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Gift a Plate
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Donate to
Restaurants and
Families in Need.

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Join Us and Take Part In Helping The Homeless

We are excited to inform you that 86 Costs will be helping to raise money for a recently launched a non-profit organization in Los Angeles called Gift a Plate. Gift a Plate was formed  to help the restaurant industry during these unprecedented trying times. 100% of the proceeds collected by Gift a Plate will go directly to the restaurant operator and will be used to cook quality meals for homeless shelters in Los Angeles. 


This program is intended to support the entire restaurant eco-system while also helping those in need. The idea being, the meals being made require more labor, more product, which in turn means that chef and staff stay on longer, the purveyor has to order more from the wholesaler and farm, leading to more and more jobs down the entire restaurant supply chain. 


To show our support for Gift a Plate, 86 Costs along with the Alice Ghostley Foundation made a $10,000 contribution to Gift a Plate.


$12 provides a meal to someone in need.

Select "Los Angeles" from the Dropdown Menu

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